Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose insulation is made of recycled papers that are treated to ensure they will not burn. Most of the time, cellulose insulation is blown into the space where it is needed. The use of recycled paper makes this fantastic in our view, cutting down on carbon emissions in either transporting them to a separate country to be recycled (also causing more carbon emissions) or thrown into a landfill. Cellulose can be treated in a number of ways and with a number of chemicals, so it pays to find out if those chemicals are damaging to health or the environment in any way.

Cellulose insulation is mainly used in renovations as most products tend to be sprayed into the spaces. This means in renovations holes are made into the gib board, the insulation sprayed in and the holes closed and painted.
Advantages of cellulose insulation:
The fact that it is usually sprayed in means that there very few gaps in the insulation and thus increasing its' performance
Cellulose insulation is made out of recycled material
The formation of cellulose insulation is a low tech process that is low in carbon emissions
Disadvantages of cellulose insulation:
The chemicals to make it fire resistant can be toxic and a potential health and environmental hazard
Cellulose insulation is messy and requires immediate cleaning
Once the fire retardant ability is over then it is a fire hazard in your home (difficult to pinpoint the time of it)
Depending on the chemicals used it goes into landfill and damages the environment upon degradation